Aidan loves bathtime more than ever now that he can sit up and move around like a big boy! Aidan is definitely crawling all over the place. He is a fast one! He is now an expert at pulling himself up as well :) What a face...I can't get enough of that smile.
Aidan,you certainly are growing fast and learning new skills to keep your mom and dad out of trouble! I can't wait until next week when I can see that smile in person.
How cute that he stands up on your table. He is such a big boy and REALLY gets around. He is so much fun. What a little sweetheart!!
that last picture of him...ughh!! it melts me...sweet little boy.
Aidan,you certainly are growing fast and learning new skills to keep your mom and dad out of trouble! I can't wait until next week when I can see that smile in person.
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