Enjoying a sunny day at Disneyland with Mom and Dad

Aidan loved being in the Baby Bjorn! Now Mom can carry him around while she gets things done around the house :)

Aidan's new favorite thing is his Baby Einstein Play Station. He sits up so well for his age!!!
He looks so old in that Saucer! Im glad its getting some use. I cant get over that bald little head.....he is so stinkin cute!!!
i loved that video you sent me yesterday of him sticking his tongue out!! kristi is right, his head is so bald and cute!
Wow, Aidan you are growing too fast! You look pretty intent in the saucer, something has your attention. Of course, sitting up alone (at least not on someone's lap)gives one a whole new perspective on life. You'll meet your cousin Osten in a few weeks and your Aunt Alissa & Uncle Chris - wish I could join them.
You are such a cute family! Aiden is so adorable!!! I'm so happy for you!
Miss you and Love you,
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